Monday, August 26, 2019

Monthly Homework Logs

Home reinforcement is critical for the retention of all of the wonderful skills the kiddos are acquiring in school. Students will be bringing home a monthly homework log tomorrow. We know these kids work hard all day and need down time once they get home, so we've limited homework to twenty minutes per night, four nights a week.

Students are expected to read for at least 10 minutes (practicing their guided reading book counts! I'm hoping to start guided reading next week!), practice the weekly spelling words for 5 minutes, and work on our math skills for 5 minutes. Please have your child check off each box as it is completed, and then initial when the week is finished. Have your child return their log once the four week period is over.

For ease and convenience, we have included activities for each content area on the back of the log. No guess work on what you should be doing! :)  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

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